DeForest Amateur Radio Club

Serving Adams County, Ohio

Weekly Net

The DeForest ARC conducts a weekly net, Thursday evening, 8:00 PM. The net is conducted on the club repeater. The purpose of the net is mostly a social function where club members know there is a good chance they will meet up, on the air, with other club members. 

The net is a formal, or directed net and has a single net control station (NCS) that manages its operation for a given session. The NCS operator calls the net to order at its designated start time, periodically calls for participants to join, listens for them to answer (or check in ) keeps track of the roster of stations for that particular net session, and generally orchestrates the operation of the net.

When you check in, please indicate your name, call sign, location and what power source you are using for your radio, such as battery power or commercial power. If you have traffic and/or announcements be sure to advise the NCS. All hams will be given an opportunity to make comments sometime during the net, usually after stations have checked-in with the NCS.

2025 Net Control Stations

JanuaryKB8SDF, Jason
FebruaryN8XGR, Tory
MarchKE8KEK, Alex
AprilN8XGQ, Marty
MayK8WEH, Bill
JuneKE8GAD, Jared
JulyKB8SDF, Jason
AugustKE8TTQ, Dan
SeptemberN8XGP, Ridney
OctoberN8XGQ, Marty
NovemberK8TFG, Duff
DecemberN8YWX, Kim

Net Control Procedure